Sunday, October 2, 2022

Week 6: Homosexuality and Evolution

     The topic of this week was homosexuality and evolution. The video of this week was a TED talk titled, "Homosexuality: It's about survival - not sex" with James O'Keefe. Basically, he talked about his own son's coming out story, how his son has made their family closer and stronger together, and how having 2 out of 25 people in the sexual minority is actually really beneficial for society. 

     I think that it's a natural reaction to have concerns for your children's safety especially when you know how that being a homosexual is one of the most common things people are bullied for. The initial thoughts as a parent of someone who is gay is going to immediately be concerned thoughts and all negative 'what ifs'. But I think that there's nothing to worry about if they have the courage to come out and proudly/unapologetically be who they truly are because all they want is support from the people that they love, especially from parents. That's what O'Keefe and his wife did. But then he went on to thinking that his son wouldn't have kids and that why hasn't homosexuality grown extint.

    I actually agree with O'Keefe's argument about homosexuality being a part of natural evolution. Nature, god, the universe, science, or whatever you belive in; knew that we needed some people to be a part of the sexual minority because there needed to be this neutral force on our society. There needed to be some kind of balance. We couldn't have overpowering masculinty running the world and I don't think the patriarchy would've allowed women running the whole thing, O'Keefe said, "If all males were gay, that would be a problem, but if all males were warriors, we'd always be at war."  O'Keefe also goes on to say, "Nature prescribes homosexuality at specific times and places, and endows these people with special triats to help the people around them flourish. What is against the order of nature is the ongoing persecution of the sexual minority, These are not confused or defective people that need to be cure, or punished, or ostracized. They need to be accepted, for who they are, and embraced. They make us better." I think that having this type of diversity in society is what makes our society kind of balanced because of all these unique personalities and traits that just compliment one another. Who cares about not reproducing in the future, there are other ways to have children. We should learn to embrace this diversity.

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Week 11: Prejudice and Implicit Bias Test

    For this week's topic, we're talking about prejudice and bias. We watched a TED Talk featuring Dr. Paul Bloom again and he ment...